CC Fosters
Leaders: Bill Granberry / Bob Shelton
The Christ Church Fosters Ministry was launched in 2019 to build relationships with and mentor children, ages 14-18, in the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Foster Care Program. Eleven CCA members commenced initial CPR and Trauma training at High Sky Children’s Ranch to work with Foster Care children from High Sky, and the Buckner’s Children’s Home. Ministry assignments will start this Fall.
Our goal is to build relationships and mentor these young people in preparation for aging out of the Foster Care Program at 18, by helping teach them life skills and how to become independent. Can you imagine what it’s like to be 18 years old, being given a bus ticket and $200, and exiting the Foster Care system with nowhere to go and no family?
A few national statistics reveal the scope of the challenge:
•More than 23,000 children age out of the US Foster Care system each year.
•20% of the Foster children who age out become instantly homeless.
•Only half of Foster children obtain gainful employment by age 24.
•Less than 3% of Foster children receive a college degree.
•7 out of 10 Foster girls become pregnant before the age of 21.